Page 168 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 168

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) Current Level of Achievement – Elementary Students
For elementary students, the student’s current level of achievement is the mark or letter grade for a subject from the most recent Provincial Report Card (typically from the previous school year). This mark/grade must be recorded in the IEP, and the grade level(s) of the modified expectations on which the evaluation was based must be identified. If the modified expec- tations were based on the regular grade-level curriculum, with changes to the number and/or complexity of the expectations, the notation “MOD”, for modified expectations, is added after the mark/grade.
The following example shows how current levels of achievement would be recorded for a Grade 4 student who requires modified expectations in three subjects – language, core French, and science and technology. The student’s current level of achievement in these subjects is taken from the student’s most recent Provincial Report Card – the Grade 3 report card issued the previous June. Note that, being in Grade 4, [the student] is studying French as a second language (core French) for the first time. In this case, “not applicable” (N/A) is entered in the IEP for current level of achievement.
Subject: Language
Current Level of Achievement: Letter grade: C+
Curriculum grade level: 2
Subject: Core French
Current Level of Achievement: Letter grade: N/A
Curriculum grade level: 4 (MOD)
Subject: Science and Technology Current Level of Achievement: Letter grade: B
Curriculum grade level: 3 (MOD)

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