Page 166 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 166

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) 4. The Special Education Program
The special education program section of the IEP, comprising the student’s current level of achievement, annual goals, and learning expectations,
is developed:
• if the student is working on modified curriculum expectations; • if the student is working on alternative expectations.
If the student is working on all curriculum expectations at the regular grade level, the Special Education Program section is not completed.
The elements described in this section, in combination with the elements described in section 5 – special education strategies, resources, and other accommodations – are at the heart of the IEP.
In preparing an IEP, the in-school team will determine the most suitable program option (see the Program Options box above), develop the student’s learning expectations (as appropriate), and determine the appropriate strategies and other accommodations in each subject, course,
or skill area to which the IEP applies, then record the details on a separate Special Education Program page for the subject, course, or skill area on the IEP form. The sample template in Appendix E-2 is designed to show the student’s learning expectations and the corresponding teaching strategies and assessment methods together, creating a clear, practical reference tool.5
In documenting the student’s special education program in the IEP, the teacher must provide information, under the appropriate subject, course, or skill area heading, on the student’s:
• current achievement level (section 4.1); • annual program goals (section 4.2);
• learning expectations (section 4.3).
5. If the student requires the same types of accommodations in all subjects, courses, and skill areas, the information may be grouped in one separate section in the IEP (the “Accommodations” section), rather than repeated on a Special Education Program page for each subject/course.

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