Page 167 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 167

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft 4.1 The Student’s Current (Baseline) Level of Achievement
Information summarizing the student’s current level of achievement (or “baseline level of achievement”, which is the term used in the IEP template in Appendix E-2) in each of the subjects, courses, or skill areas to which the IEP applies must be recorded in the IEP. This information will serve as a baseline against which the student’s progress towards achievement of his or her learning expectations and annual goals in each subject, course, or skill area will be measured through subsequent assessment and evaluation. As
a record of the starting point, this information remains unchanged for the duration of the IEP – that is, to the end of the school year, or the end of the semester in semestered secondary schools.
The student’s current level of achievement must be described in the IEP in one of the following ways:
• For a student who is working on modified curriculum expectations, the level of achievement must be indicated by a letter grade or percentage mark, as reported on the Provincial Report Card.
• For a student whose needs cannot be met through the Ontario curriculum and who is working on alternative expectations, the level of achievement must be described in terms of the student’s progress towards meeting the learning expectations that form the student’s educational program, as outlined in the IEP and reflected in the most recent report card.

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