Page 170 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 170

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) Current Level of Achievement – Students with Alternative Programs
A student’s current level of achievement in an alternative program or course should be indicated in a description taken from the student’s latest report card (either a Provincial Report Card or the alternative report
that may have been used). A letter grade or percentage mark is neither necessary nor advisable.
    Examples – Elementary
• “Insocialskills,[thestudent]isabletoemploy‘Stop,Think,Do’,ora similar technique, in an average of two out of ten situations.”
• “In personal care, [the student] is able to locate his lunch in the classroom cupboard.”
• “In language and communication, [the student] demonstrates functional language skills with the assistance of a speech-generating device, using some words consistently and using a few signs and pictures.”
Examples – Secondary
• “In work experience, [the student] has successfully completed two placements within the school and is ready to work in the local community.”
• “In mathematics, [the student], with support, demonstrates some money, measurement, and calculation skills.”
• “In language and communication, [the student] uses verbal skills to exchange ideas and information in some settings.”
Additional examples of current level of achievement in sample IEPs can be found on the website of EduGAINS.

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