Page 172 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 172

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) Annual Program Goals – Elementary Students
For elementary students, annual program goals should be expressed as observable, measurable outcomes and can include observable achievement in the development of thinking skills, such as memory, inquiry, analysis, integration, application, and so on.
• “In mathematics, by the end of the year, [the student] will
use critical/creative thinking processes that are increasingly sophisticated and effective, e.g., strategies that demonstrate precise and elegant proof and reasoning. (Math, Grade 5)”
• “In reading, by the end of the year, [the student] will demonstrate improvement in her ability to read different kinds of selected texts, e.g., literary and graphic, and show that she can use a couple of strategies to construct meaning. (Reading, Grade 7)”
Annual Program Goals – Secondary Students
For a student who is taking a secondary school course with some modified expectations, the annual program goal(s) can be developed from the overall expectations or from the broad aims of the course outlined in the course description.
    Examples – Some modified expectations
• “In science, by the end of the year, [the student] will be able to relate science to the environment; develop the basic skills, strategies, and habits of mind required for scientific inquiry; and demonstrate an improved understanding of some of the basic concepts of science. (Science, Grade 9, Applied, (SNC1P))”
• “In geography, by the end of the semester, [the student] will demonstrate understanding of some of the unique environmental and political characteristics of two regions. [The student] will
also apply the geographic inquiry process and use basic spatial skills to investigate the impact of the travel industry on natural environments and human communities. (Travel and Tourism: A Geographic Perspective, Grade 11, Open, (CGG3O))”

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