Page 133 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 133

Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process
 IPRC Process and Procedures
   Parents and Students
  School Principals
   • At least 10 days in advance of IPRC meeting, IPRC chair must notify parent and student (if 16 or older), in writing, of the date of IPRC
• As soon as possible
after IPRC chair receives information about student, the chair must send this information to parent and student (if 16 or older)
  Parent and student (if 16 or older) are entitled to receive all information provided to members of IPRC
  The principal:
• should inform parent and student (if 16 or older) of student’s entitlement to participate
   The IPRC meets and:
• may consider assessment reports, e.g., educational, health, speech and language, psychological
• may consider the results of an interview with the student
• may discuss and make recommendations (not decisions) for special education program and services
• may include these recommendations in the decision
  • The parent and student
(if 16 or older) are entitled to have a representative present who may speak on their behalf
• Parent or student (if 16
or older) may request a discussion about special education programs and services and be present for and participate in discussion
  The principal should:
• understand role of the parent representative and, where appropriate, clarify role for parent, student, and representative
• explain role of IPRC to parent, student, and their representative(s) prior to IPRC meeting

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