Page 132 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 132

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft Summary of the Identification, Placement, and Review Process
   IPRC Process and Procedures
   Parents and Students
  School Principals
   Principal refers student to IPRC, either at the request of parent or on own initiative
  The parent:
• may request, in writing to principal, that student be referred to IPRC
• may request communication in Braille, large-print, or audio format
  The principal:
• ensures parental request is honoured
• provides communication in alternative format, if requested
• ensures all timelines are met
   Within 15 days of making the referral, principal notifies parent that student has been referred to IPRC
  The parent receives:
• written notification of referral
• estimate of when IPRC is likely to meet
• parents’guidetospecial education in appropriate format
  The principal:
• sends parent required information and parents’ guide
   Once an IPRC has been requested, the committee:
• obtains an educational assessment
• obtains a health and/or psychological assessment, if needed
• may consider interviewing the student
• must consider any information about the student submitted to it by the parent and, if the student is 16 years of age or older, the student
  • Parent may be requested
to give permission for a health and/or psychological assessment in accordance with the Health Care Consent Act, 1996
• Parent may be requested to give permission for an interview if the child is under 16 years of age. Parent is entitled to be present for interview
  The principal should:
• ensure completion of educational assessment
• obtain consent for health and/or psychological assessment, if needed

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