Page 130 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 130

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
Although it is not required by the regulation, it is effective practice for the person designated as the school board contact to prepare an official file that includes:
• the written communications between the appeal board and the parties;
• the information submitted to the appeal board, including documents, assessments, videos, or other material (unless the parent requests that
some of these be returned);
• the appeal board recommendations;
• the school board decision (see “After the Appeal Board Decision”
This record should be preserved for future reference, and for forwarding to a tribunal if required.
Note: Any records in the custody or under the control of the school board are subject to the privacy and access requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
After the Appeal Board Decision
Within thirty days of receiving the SEAB’s written statement, the school board must:
• consider the appeal board’s recommendations;
• decide what action it will take with respect to the student;
• send a written statement of decision to everyone who received the
written recommendations from the appeal board and include an explanation of the parent’s right to appeal to the Special Education Tribunal (SET).
In deciding what action to take, the school board is not limited to the actions recommended by the appeal board.
If the parent is not satisfied with the school board decision, he or she has a further right to appeal to the Special Education Tribunal.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, section 30)

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