Page 131 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 131

Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process The school board decision will be implemented when:
• the parent consents in writing;
• there is no appeal to the SET within thirty days of the parent’s receiving
notice of the decision; or
• the appeal to the SET has been dismissed or abandoned.
Nothing prevents the school board and the parent from coming to an agreement that differs from the original school board decision. If so, the school board must give notice of the new decision to the same people to whom it sent the original statement of decision.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, section 31) Summary of the IPRC Appeal Timeline
   Notice of Appeal
   within 15 days of notice being received by the secretary of board
 school board and parent each select one member of appeal board
  within 15 days of the selections being made
  the two members select a chair
   within 30 days of selection of chair
  appeal board meets (unless parent and board consent in writing to a later date)
   within 3 days following the meeting
 appeal board recommendations sent to relevant parties
   within 30 days of receipt of recommendations
   school board considers recommendations and sends statement of decision to relevant parties
    Board’s Decision
   within 30 days of receipt OR
 parent appeals to Special Education Tribunal
   after 30 days and without an appeal by parents
   board implements its decision

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