Page 128 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 128

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
    Sample Agenda for an SEAB Meeting
1. Acalltoorder
2. Anintroductorystatementbythechairoftheappealboard, including:
✧ introduction of the appeal board members
✧ introduction of the participants
✧ a statement of the purpose of the meeting
✧ a description of the procedures to be followed (e.g., order of presentations)
3. Thepresentations,including:
✧ an opening statement by the parent
✧ an opening statement by the school board
✧ presentation of information by persons invited by the parent
✧ presentation of information by persons invited by the school board
✧ presentation of written information, if any, by parent and school board
✧ a summary by the parent
✧ a summary by the school board
4. Aclosingstatementbytheappealboardchair.Thisstatement
should provide information about:
✧ the decision date
✧ the powers of the appeal board
✧ the role of the school board following the decision
The SEAB meeting must be conducted in an informal manner. The goal of the meeting is to provide the appeal board members with the information they require in order to make their recommendations.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 28(2))

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