Page 134 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 134

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft (continued)
   IPRC Process and Procedures
   Parents and Students
  School Principals
   The IPRC:
• decides whether to identify a student as exceptional or not
• applies, for exceptional students, category and definition of identified exceptionalities in accordance with ministry list of categories and definitions of exceptionality
• describes strengths and needs of student
• decides placement of student (must decide upon placement in regular class if satisfied that such a placement meets student’s needs and is consistent with parental preferences). If the IPRC decides on placement in special education class, IPRC must set out the reasons for this recommendation in its decision
• sends written notice of decision to parent, student (if 16 or older), principal, director of education
 The parent and student (if 16 or older) receive written statement of decision from IPRC chair
 The principal:
• receives written statement of decision from IPRC chair
• understands the elements of the statement of decision
• appreciates difference between recommendations and decisions made by IPRC
• may begin work on IEP
• may review decision with
parent and student (if 16 or older)
   If parent requests follow-up meeting, second IPRC meeting to be convened as soon as possible
   The parent may, within 15
days of receiving statement
of decision, request a second meeting with IPRC to discuss the decision further; or, within 30 days of receiving statement of decision, file a notice of appeal with board
   The principal arranges for follow-up meeting with IPRC as soon as possible, on request

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