Page 135 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 135

Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process
 IPRC Process and Procedures
   Parents and Students
  School Principals
   Following the second meeting of IPRC, IPRC may:
• uphold its original decision and notify all relevant parties of this decision, or
• change its original decision and notify all relevant parties of this decision and reasons for the revised decision
 The parent who does not agree with the upheld or revised decisions of follow-up meeting may request to have matter referred to an SEAB within
15 days of receipt of statement of decision of second meeting of IPRC
 The principal ensures parent and student understand upheld or revised IPRC decision
   The school board will implement IPRC decision as soon as possible and notify school principal of the decision
  • When parent receives IPRC final decision in writing, he/ she should provide written consent for the placement or file a notice of appeal with the school board
• If parent neither consents nor appeals, the school board may implement the IPRC decision
  The principal ensures parent and student understand process for appealing
   The student is placed in accordance with IPRC decision if:
• parent consents, or
• parent has not consented
but has not begun an appeal before end of appeal period
   If parent does not consent to placement and does not appeal, parent is notified in writing that student has been placed
   The principal ensures that parent and student understand their rights
   Within 30 school days of start of placement, an IEP must be developed for student and provided to parent and student (if 16 or older)
 The parent and student
(if 16 or older) will be consulted on content of IEP
 The principal ensures that parent and student (if 16
or older) are consulted on development of IEP and that IEP is completed and a copy is given to parent and student (if 16 or older)
   For students aged 14 or over, IEP must include transition plan for postsecondary activities (except for gifted students)
   The parent and student
(if 16 or over) will be consulted on content of transition plan
   The principal ensures that IEP includes transition plan for students with special education needs, where appropriate

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