Page 27 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 27

Approaches to investigation: reflect on what you are good at, what you like, what you are passionate about, and what is important to you; ask for feedback from teachers, coaches, mentors, peers, Elders, Métis Senators, knowledge keepers, knowledge holders, and/or employers; take an aptitude/career assessment inventory
Personal profile options: a vision board that reflects their wishes and goals; a graphic organizer that maps “who they are” – their interests, values, skills, strengths, and areas to be developed; a digital portfolio that includes reflections on their investiga- tions and learning; a practice profile to prepare for future use of career-oriented social networking sites;*2 a classroom-based personal blog*
Teacher Prompts
What kinds of experiences have allowed you to explore and develop new skills or challenge your perceptions about yourself? How can these experiences and insights inform your personal profile?
How might cooperative education or other forms of experiential learning help you to discover more about your interests?
How reliable do think personality and career assessments are? How closely did the results of the assessment you completed reflect what you believe about yourself and your future? Were some of the results inaccurate? Were some surprising? Did they help you see yourself in a new way?
How might a person’s cultural and/or socio-economic background affect the way they see themselves? How is your background reflected in how you see yourself?
What are some of your strengths, gifts, and talents? How do you know? Do you think any of these are transferable skills?
Have you ever found that another person’s perception of you was quite different from your own perception of yourself? How did you respond to their feedback? How do you decide when others’ feedback is valid?
What are some social, political, or environmental issues and/or challenges you feel strongly about? What contributions do you want to make to your local, regional, and/or global communities?
Do you require accommodations in school and in the workplace? What is the best way to share this information with others? How do you advocate for yourself so that your needs are understood and respected?
* Students who wish to post their profile on a public site should be counselled to use discretion in selecting and sharing personal information; see also specific expectation B2.3.
   Strand B | Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work | GRADE 10 27

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