Page 29 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 29

Have you been influenced by people you know and admire when making your edu- cation, career, and community activity choices? What can you learn from these people when considering the choices that are available to you?
How might broad industry trends or the needs of your local community influence your career choices?
Why might you have to balance your interests or passions with practical considera- tions? How might you do this?
Having considered the factors and circumstances that might be influencing your choice of goals, how would you describe their relative weight when it comes time to narrowing down your goals? How might achieving your goals influence some of those factors or circumstances later on?
Instructional Tip
Students may find the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals website or the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples a useful source of information about global needs.
B2.3 explain how digital media use and a social media presence can influence their educa- tion and career/life opportunities, while at the same time demonstrating an understanding of the importance of managing their personal information and pro- tecting their privacy online
Impact of a social media presence: an online presence and effective use of key social media and online employment platforms make individuals accessible to prospective postsecondary institutions and employers; a well-considered and well-maintained public profile on a career-oriented social media site can enhance their identity and influence prospective postsecondary institutions and employers; following a carefully selected group of people online can provide students with useful information; a negative “digital reputation” could have a negative impact on their career/life opportunities
Information privacy: protecting their social insurance numbers (SINs) and personal identification numbers (PINs); using secure passwords
Teacher Prompts
Your digital footprint includes your online history – everything you leave behind as you use the Internet. How might your digital footprint influence your employer’s, or a potential employer’s, opinion of you? What are some important factors to keep in mind when online?
   Strand B | Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work | GRADE 10 29

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