Page 31 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 31

How might community involvement or volunteerism help you to build a network?
We often rely on publicly advertised jobs when we are looking for work. What are some of the benefits and challenges of finding out about jobs through the unadver- tised (“hidden”) job market?
B3. Identifying Possible Destinations and Pathways By the end of this course, students will:
B3. taking their personal profile into account, explore, research, and identify a
few postsecondary destinations of interest, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace, and investigate the secondary school pathways that lead to those destinations
B3.1 use a research process to identify and compare a few postsecondary options that suit their aspirations, skills, interests, values, and personal circumstances
Research processes: gather and collect information online to investigate a few educa- tional and career opportunities; interview local entrepreneurs about how they got started and what challenges they face; interview individuals working in fields that interest them; interview a parent, guardian, and/or other knowledgeable and experi- enced adult; attend a job fair or “study abroad” fair to gather and document useful information; participate in on-the-job training and/or other workplace-focused opportunities
Postsecondary options: an apprenticeship in a skilled trade; an internship in a firm or organization of interest; full- or part-time college or university study; distance education; on-the-job training; full- or part-time employment; community living; volunteer work in the community; entrepreneurship; a “gap year” to travel, study abroad, work, or volunteer
Teacher Prompts
How might consulting with your guidance counsellor help you to find out about possible pathways to the destinations that interest you? Who else at your school, in your family, or in your community might you speak with about possible pathways and postsecondary destinations? What strategies can you use if you don’t know anyone outside of your school who might be able to help you think about possible pathways and destinations?
  Strand B | Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work | GRADE 10 31

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