Page 33 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 33

Specialized school programs and courses: cooperative education courses; Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP); Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program; dual credit programs
School and community supports: At school: student success teams; guidance counsellors; credit recovery programs; special education supports and services; English as a Second Language programs; In the community: Employment Ontario; youth employment centres; libraries; newcomer welcome centres; Indigenous community supports and services; and other local education and training organiza- tions that support diverse populations
Teacher Prompts
What are the requirements for graduating from secondary school? How many com- pulsory and optional credits have you earned to date? What are the compulsory courses that you will need to take in Grades 11 and 12?
If you are interested in pursuing an apprenticeship, are there any specialized pro- grams, including certification programs, at your school that would support you on this path? Are these programs offered at other schools in your region? How can you find out more about these programs?
Who might be able to help you learn more about your pathway options? Who should you consult if things are not working out the way you had hoped?
If you plan to enter the workplace immediately after secondary school, what can you do to keep opportunities open in case you later decide to go on to an apprenticeship or to college or university in order to reach your goals [e.g., choice of secondary school courses, maintaining grade average]?
What factors might require you to change the pathway you take to reach your goal? What are some alternatives to help you get closer to your goals? Why is it important to know that there are multiple pathways to the same goal? And that you can modify your goals without compromising your interests?
If you have special education needs, what supports or resources might be available to you as you work towards your postsecondary goals? What will you look for in the training or educational institutions that you may want to attend? If you require accommodations, what documentation will you need to receive them?
How can you find out about mentorship, part-time work, or volunteer opportunities in your community? How can these opportunities contribute to your career pathway and your life?
  Strand B | Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work | GRADE 10 33

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