Page 32 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 32

Where can you learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of entering the workplace immediately after secondary school? What are some of the work options that exist for you? Are these viable long-term options?
How might learning about the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) and/or the Specialist High Skills Major program support your aspirations, skills, and interests? What resources are available to help you learn about careers in the skilled trades?
When we explored evolving work trends, were any of the high-demand or growing career sectors of interest to you? Which ones would you like to research further? Are there any other areas that we have not yet explored that might interest you?
What agencies, programs, or businesses could you contact to learn more about potential career destinations? Where might you look to assess the potential success and/or sustainability of a less traditional job idea?
What types of supports are available to help you navigate the transition to a post- secondary destination [e.g., Indigenous postsecondary recruitment officers, summer transition programs]?
If you have special education needs, it is important to understand that your rights and responsibilities will be different at different levels of education or training. According to your research, what will change at the postsecondary level? What will your responsibilities be in terms of self-advocacy?
Instructional Tips
Teachers can support student learning about postsecondary options by inviting a variety of industry experts, employers, entrepreneurs, and community organizations to engage with students.
In their research regarding postsecondary options that meet their strengths and interests, students might find the following websites and documents useful: Ontario’s Labour Market; Ontario Colleges; Apprenticeship in Ontario; eInfo; the transition planning section in Part C of Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide, 2017; Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities; and ONTransfer.
B3.2 identify the pathways towards their preferred destinations, including the courses and/or specialized programs that lead to the destination and meet the requirements for a secondary school certificate or diploma, as well as the supports available at school and in the community that can enhance their secondary education
 32 CAREER STUDIES, 2019 | The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 10

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