Page 28 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 28

How might developing a personal profile help you to better understand what you want to do in school and in life?
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• reinforce the idea that everyone has strengths, skills, and aptitudes and that
• additional skills can be learned and developed over time;
provide students with access to selected skill assessment and career resources,
such as the Career Quiz found on Ontario’s labour market website, to help them
• articulate and assess their abilities;
emphasize to students that personality and career assessments can have varying results and may not be an accurate reflection of their skills and interests. (Where the student feels they are accurate, they may be useful in identifying areas for growth.) Ask students to reflect on any biases or assumptions that may be a part of the assessment tool itself, and emphasize the importance of personal reflection
• about the results;
encourage students to record their notes, observations, and reflections in their
Individual Pathways Plan (IPP).
B2.2 identify factors and conditions other than an individual’s strengths, interests, and needs that inform education and career/life choices, and explain which of these factors may be influencing their own decisions
Other factors to consider: family values and parental expectations; the influence of friends and of the communities to which one belongs; cultural identity; gender or gender identity; financial circumstances; potential future earnings; systemic and structural barriers and opportunities; personal preferences with respect to career/life balance; local and/or global work trends; local and/or global needs and challenges
Teacher Prompts
What influence might your personal perspectives and cultural world view have on your education and career choices?
How might the wishes of your family affect your choice of personal career/life goals? What can you do to help your family understand your personal career/life goals?
How might your cultural and/or social affiliations influence your choice of personal career/life goals?
How can you persevere, stay positive, and get support when certain factors and con- ditions present challenges to attaining your goals?
   28 CAREER STUDIES, 2019 | The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 10

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