Page 26 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 26

and focusing on writing clearly and concisely helped them improve their achieve- ment in history and English; asking effective questions while working on a project revealed new perspectives and creative solutions; using creative thinking skills helped them improve their video game performance; using collaboration skills helped them manage conflict on a team
Teacher Prompts
Consider the communication skills you have developed so far, both in and outside of school. How would you assess your ability to communicate effectively in various situations? What works and what needs further work?
How might you take responsibility and demonstrate initiative when it comes to iden- tifying and getting practice in the skill areas you need to work on in order to succeed in an education or work environment?
Which transferable skills are your strongest? What evidence do you have to support that idea? What other transferable skills do you think could be useful in your career/ life journey? Why? How might you work on developing these skills?
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• co-develop criteria with students to help them assess their development of
• transferable skills;
encourage students to use self-reflection and peer feedback to help identify their current strengths and areas for improvement, reminding them of the value of adopting a growth mindset in the process.
B2. Preparing for Future Opportunities By the end of this course, students will:
B2. develop a personal profile based on an exploration of their interests, values, skills, strengths, and needs, and examine the range of factors that can influence their future education and career/life opportunities
B2.1 investigate their own interests, values, skills (including transferable skills), strengths, and areas that require further development, documenting their insights in a personal profile
  26 CAREER STUDIES, 2019 | The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 10

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