Page 25 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 25

having an ethos of engaged citizenship); technological fluency (including using and applying technology in a legal, safe, and ethically responsible manner to solve problems)
Teacher Prompts
What is a “transferable skill”? Can you give some examples?
What are some transferable skills you have developed at school, in the community, and/or at work?
In what ways are critical thinking and problem solving connected? How do you use these skills at home, at school, while working, and/or in the community?
What do employers mean when they refer to “soft skills” and “hard skills”? Both are valuable, but why do some employers consider soft skills to be even more valuable than hard skills? How can soft skills support technical skills?
Why might innovation and creativity be important in the workplace? How have you been developing these two skills?
How might you demonstrate independence and initiative in the workplace while still respecting the protocols of your employer?
Can you envision how your communication skills might be transferred to other contexts in the future – for example, in a job that involves engaging with customers, co-workers, and supervisors? How might these skills contribute to the development of your professional etiquette in the workplace [e.g., in interviews, email correspond- ence, telephone conversations]?
Why are cultural awareness and knowledge of other languages important in increasingly globalized work environments?
An important transferable skill is global competence – developing a better under- standing of local and global perspectives and appreciation for the diversity of people. In Canada, it is important to understand Indigenous histories, cultures, knowledge, and contributions. How might you demonstrate and continue to build better inter- cultural understanding?
B1.3 reflect on how the transferable skills they have developed so far have aided them in their learning and in life, and identify the skills that they may need to develop further
Impact of transferable skills: using problem-solving and teamwork skills helped them conduct investigations related to sustainable ecosystems in their science course; taking initiative in managing time helped them meet deadlines; actively listening
  Strand B | Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work | GRADE 10 25

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