Page 23 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
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jobs; a wider acceptance of the need for work/life balance, which has led to greater opportunities for telecommuting, flexible hours, and compressed work weeks, as well as parental (maternity and/or paternity) leave; a shift to a more balanced workforce that recognizes and values the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion, which has led to greater opportunities for a diverse population, including people who
may require assistive devices or special supports in order to participate fully in the workplace
Trends that have influenced workers’ rights and responsibilities: the growth of short-term work opportunities and the gig economy, which has resulted in fewer “jobs for life” and fewer protections but more opportunities to “be your own boss”, leading to changes in employment standards and in the rights and responsibilities of workers
Teacher Prompts
What are some of the major technological, social, and economic trends currently affecting the work we do and the way we work?
The increase in STEM opportunities is happening in all areas of the economy. How have traditional sectors of the economy, such as manufacturing, agri-food, and con- struction, changed to become technology-intensive?
What types of jobs and individual tasks are changing now, and how might they change in the future? Which ones might disappear?
What impact will automation and the rise of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, have on the future of work? What role do transferable skills such as crea- tivity, collaboration, and technological fluency play in an increasingly automated workplace?
How might you adjust or revise your career goals and your education or training plans in response to shifting work trends? How might the pursuit of lifelong learning improve your employment outcomes? What skills will you need to work in current areas of growth?
What is the employment outlook in your local region? How might that information guide your decision making? How does the information on Ontario’s labour market website help you determine areas of increasing or declining demand? What other sources can inform your analysis?
In your research, what types of employment have you found to be available in your region – contract, seasonal, part-time, or permanent full-time?
With the rise of the gig economy, workers will need new protections and services from their governments that were previously supplied by the private sector. How might governments respond to help improve workers’ rights?
 Strand B | Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work | GRADE 10 23

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