Page 21 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 21

Postponing a decision to give yourself more time to think or to consult with others can give you more confidence in the decision you make. What are some other pos- sible impacts of postponing a decision, either positive or negative?
Instructional Tip
Encourage students to consider the decision-making and goal-setting approaches that work best for them from a cultural perspective.
A2.2 reflect on and document the process of developing and revising goals, commenting on the effectiveness of the strategies they have used in the process and identifying areas where more work may be needed
Teacher Prompts
Why is it important to review and evaluate your choices and objectives, and possibly revise them? In the review process, what did you ask yourself in order to assess if you were on a path that would get you closer to your goal? What did you learn about yourself and about areas you may need to work on? How was this information helpful in identifying or rethinking your goals?
What have you learned that it is important to keep in mind when making decisions about your goals? What process would you apply when rethinking a decision you made in the past?
What might you learn by interviewing a parent, guardian, Elder, Métis Senator, knowledge keeper, knowledge holder, or other trusted adult about the skills and strategies they have used to become a lifelong learner? How might reading or listening to a media inter-view about someone you admire inform your approach to overcoming obstacles and revising your goals?
Instruc tional Tip
Teachers can encourage students to record their reflections on the process of devel- oping and revising goals in their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP).
   Strand A | Developing the Skills, Strategies, and Habits Needed to Succeed | GRADE 10 21

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