Page 19 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 19

Instructional Tip
Student learning may be enhanced through the use of: situational scenarios (interviews, problem-solving and decision-making challenges); online quizzes; videos on resilience and adaptability; and/or games (board, cooperative, virtual reality).
A1.2 identify a range of strategies to help manage stress and achieve and maintain a healthy school/life/work balance, and explain how they have used such strategies in their lives so far and how they might apply them in the future
Strategies to help manage stress and promote balance: getting enough sleep, fresh air, and physical activity; making healthy food choices; listening to music; doing breathing exercises; participating in spiritual, cultural, or community activities; making a list of priorities; developing a plan of action; using time-management strategies, including using a digital calendar; making it a habit to reserve time for self-reflection; consulting and sharing ideas with a mentor, friend, or trusted adult
Teacher Prompts
What strategies have you used in the past when faced with a challenge or obstacle? Did these strategies help you cope with stress? What might you do differently next time?
How might positive self-talk help in dealing with stress? What can you do to make this strategy work for you?
How do you know when you are feeling stressed? What changes do you observe in your physical, mental, or spiritual health? How are mental, spiritual, and physical health related? Why is it important to understand the links between mind, spirit, and body?
What have you learned about how various First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities in Canada view and achieve harmony and balance through approaches that respect Indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing?
Instructional Tip
Teachers may wish to consult the ministry document Supporting Minds: An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Mental Health and Well-being, 2013 for information and strategies, based on current research, that can help them recognize students who may be struggling.
    Strand A | Developing the Skills, Strategies, and Habits Needed to Succeed | GRADE 10 19

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