Page 17 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 17

  Developing the Skills, Strategies, and Habits Needed to Succeed
A1. Skills, Strategies, and Habits That Contribute to Success Throughout this course, students will:
A1. demonstrate an understanding of the skills, strategies, and habits that can contribute to success in the pursuit of educational and career/life opportunities and in the achievement of a healthy school/life/work balance
A1.1 demonstrate an understanding of the importance of resilience and perseverance in school, life, and work – why it is helpful to acquire skills for adapting to change, persevering in the face of adversity, learning from mistakes, and thinking positively about setbacks – and analyse how developing resilience and perseverance can help them in all areas of their lives
Importance of adaptive and coping skills: to maintain a positive outlook and a sense of well-being as they confront challenges; to thrive in the rapidly changing world of work
How such habits might be applied at school: seeking help from a teacher or parent after receiving a disappointing result and using the feedback to make improvements; advocating for themselves by articulating their strengths and needs so that others can help them be successful; In life: learning to work with and understand many different perspectives and approaches to an issue or problem; seeking guidance and support when faced with instances of bullying, racism, or stereotyping; finding healthy ways to cope with changes such as moving to a new town or a new home;
At work: consciously applying strategies to help them move on after not getting a desired job, such as seeking feedback and identifying steps to gain the necessary skills and experience; recognizing the importance of taking initiative and staying
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