Page 18 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 18

curious at work; having a positive attitude and confidence in their ability to learn; and being willing to take on new tasks
Teacher Prompts
Social-emotional learning skills*1 foster overall health and well-being, positive mental health, and the ability to learn, build resilience, and thrive. Among these skills are the ability to identify and manage emotions, cope with stress, maintain positive motiva- tion, nurture healthy relationships, develop self-awareness and a sense of identity, and think critically and creatively. What role do these skills play in educational and career/life success?
What examples of adaptability do you recall from games, sports, or other activities you have participated in? How did being adaptable help you succeed in those instances? How do you think adaptability will help you in your career/life journey?
Think about your transition to secondary school. What went well? What challenges did you face? Did you seek help from a friend or a trusted adult? Are you facing ongoing challenges? What steps are you taking to overcome them?
What are some positive responses you might adopt if you do not perform as well as you hope to on a test at school or if you receive a critical work review?
What are some of the obstacles people encounter on their education and career/life path? How would you overcome such challenges? How might you turn them into opportunities?
We’ve been discussing resilience and why it is important in all aspects of your life. How would you define resilience, and how do you think it is connected to a sense of well-being? What are some factors that have contributed to your personal resilience and your ability to bounce back from stressful events or situations?
It is important to distinguish between factors that are within your control, such as managing your time and learning what helps you to cope with stress, and factors that are not, such as your family situation or current economic circumstances. What can you do to deal with and change the things that are within your control and to adapt to those that aren’t?
  * For more information on social-emotional learning skills, consult the forthcoming elementary health and physical education curriculum, on the ministry website.
18 CAREER STUDIES, 2019 | The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 10

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