Page 15 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 15

Strand B. Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work
By the end of this course, students will:
B1. Exploring Work Trends and the Importance of Transferable Skills
demonstrate an understanding, based on research, of a variety of local and global trends related to work and employment, including the effect some of those trends have had on workers’ rights and responsibilities and on the role of transferable skills in career development today
B1.1 identify some recent and evolving technological, economic, and social trends that have influenced the world of work, both locally and globally, noting their impact
on the kind of work we do and how we do it as well as on workers’ rights and respon- sibilities, and analyse the possible impact of those trends on their own choices now and in the future
B1.2 explain how transferable skills are developed through school, extracurricular, and/or community experiences, and analyse how they contribute to a person’s readiness for future educational, life, and work opportunities and to their career development
B1.3 reflect on how the transferable skills they have developed so far have aided them in their learning and in life, and identify the skills that they may need to develop further
B2. Preparing for Future Opportunities
develop a personal profile based on an exploration of their interests, values, skills, strengths, and needs, and examine the range of factors that can influence their future education and career/life opportunities
B2.1 investigate their own interests, values, skills (including transferable skills), strengths, and areas that require further development, documenting their insights in a personal profile
B2.2 identify factors and conditions other than an individual’s strengths, interests, and needs that inform education and career/life choices, and explain which of these factors may be influencing their own decisions
B2.3 explain how digital media use and a social media presence can influence their education and career/life opportunities, while at the same time demonstrating an understand- ing of the importance of managing their personal information and protecting their privacy online
B2.4 analyse the role of networking, including traditional and online social networking, in exploring and securing education and career/life opportunities
B3. Identifying Possible Destinations and Pathways
taking their personal profile into account, explore, research, and identify a few postsecondary destinations of interest, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace, and investigate the secondary school pathways that lead to those destinations
Expectations At a Glance | GRADE 10 15

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