Page 97 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 97

  B2. IdentityandValues
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify and describe, particularly with reference to their own art works and those of their peers, ways in which media art works reflect artists’ personal identities (e.g., artists’ experiences, values, concerns, challenges)
Teacher prompt: “In what ways does your per- sonal identity come through in the media art works you create? Knowing how aspects of your own identity are evident in your art works, what can you infer about this media artist’s personal identity?”
B2.2 identify and describe ways in which media art works reflect cultural identity (e.g., the animated short film The Sweater; the media art works of Ron Noganosh)
Teacher prompts: “How might a media artist use video to interpret and present the culture and history of the Métis?” “What are some
of the ways in which media artists from
areas such as South Asia, Southeast Asia, or Southern Africa have portrayed their culture?”
B2.3 identify and describe ways in which media art works can influence community or societal values (e.g., the impact on their school community of a media art work on combating climate change)
Teacher prompt: “Can you identify some media artists who deal with issues related to nature or the environment in their work? What do you see as the potential of these or similar media artists to help society address environmental challenges in the future?”
B2.4 describe, using a variety of formats (e.g., digital scrapbooks, digital timelines, a reflection journal), how creating and presenting media art works has affected their personal values and their understanding of their culture and community (e.g., how creative challenges have encouraged them to explore and take a position on social issues; how feedback from presenting a work provides insights into the values of their community)
Teacher prompts: “How might you use a digital scrapbook to illustrate your personal values and those of your community?” “How did creating your heritage video lead you to a richer understanding of your culture?”
B2.5 describe how the process of critically analysing media art works has affected their understanding of the values of other cultures and communities (e.g., how analysing Bollywood films has affected their understanding of South Asian culture)
Teacher prompt: “What have you learned about Kenyan society from watching the documentary Taking Root about Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai?”
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify, on the basis of research, areas for continued study in media arts and related fields (e.g., using available resources, create a list of advanced media arts courses, contributing arts courses, and relevant technology courses at both the secondary and postsecondary level; identify opportunities for experiential learning)
B3.2 identify and describe the skills required in careers related to media arts (e.g., animator, music composer for film/video, special effects artist, video editor)
Teacher prompt: “What skills do you need in order to become a successful interactive online game designer? Describe how these skills are used in this career.”
B3.3 identify and describe skills and understand- ings acquired through the creative and critical analysis processes in the media arts (e.g., collab- orative, technical, analytical, and communication skills; ability to meet deadlines; ability to under- stand multiple points of view; cultural awareness), and describe how they can be applied in every- day life (e.g., to analyse an item in the mass media; to reflect on and respond to a conflict with a peer; to create a DVD for a family reunion; to create a slide show for an environmental organization)
Teacher prompts: “What skills have you learned through media arts that make you a more critical consumer of media? How might this critical ability affect the decisions you make in your personal life?” “Describe how media arts processes have improved your communication skills. How can these skills help you in your job, at school, or with your friends and family?”
Media Arts

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