Page 96 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 96

 Grade 10, Open
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by examining, interpreting, assessing, and reflecting on media art works;
B2. Identity and Values: demonstrate an understanding of how media art works reflect personal and cultural identity, and affect personal, cultural, and community values and their awareness of those values;
B3. ConnectionsBeyondtheClassroom:demonstrateanunderstandingofthetypesofknowledgeand skills developed in media arts and how they can be used outside the media arts classroom.
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 identify and describe their initial responses to media art works (e.g., Marie Jo Lafontaine’s Tears of Steel), using various strategies and modes of communication (e.g., a small-group or class discussion, a placemat exercise, a blog,
a journal, a sketchbook)
Teacher prompt: “How does Marie Jo Lafontaine’s art work make you feel? Does
it remind you of anything in your personal experience? Does it remind you of other art works you know? How might those connections influence your initial reaction to the work?”
B1.2 identify and describe, on the basis of explo- ration, the aesthetic and technical features of a contemporary media art work, and describe how the artist has combined these features to create a unified work (e.g., identify the tools, techniques, and materials used by a media artist, and describe how they have been used to create the
art work; identify elements and principles used in the work, and describe in a T-chart or journal how the artist uses them to achieve an effect, convey an emotion, or communicate a message; explore the technical and aesthetic features of Char Davies’s virtual environments)
Teacher prompts: “How has the artist used technology to create a specific effect?” “What is the effect on the viewer of the images created by the manipulation of a few visual elements?”
B1.3 use the critical analysis process to assess the effectiveness of media art works in communi- cating a message or expressing an emotion, and describe how their assessment of the works has evolved throughout the critical analysis process (e.g., review their notes or other records and reflect on how their assessment has changed as their analysis of the art work has deepened)
Teacher prompt: “What does Nam June Paik’s work Electronic Superhighway communicate about modern cultural identity? In what ways has your understanding of this work and its message changed from your initial reaction to your more fully informed interpretation?”
B1.4 communicate an understanding of how they use the stages of the critical analysis process when they are creating their own media art works (e.g., describe how they use aspects of the critical analysis process to assess the viability of their plan, to focus an experiment with a medium or technology and evaluate its success in achiev- ing their intended purpose, or to decide how to present their media art work; reflect on and describe how their analysis of the work of other media artists, including their peers, has influ- enced their own creativity, their use of tools or technologies, or their presentation decisions)
Teacher prompts: “What aspects of the critical analysis process do you use when determining the effectiveness of your experiments with a new medium or technology?” “In what ways has your analysis of the work of other media artists influenced your own work?”

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