Page 95 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 95

 Teacher prompt: “Does your process journal capture all the stages of the creative process that you used in the creation of your art work? When you review this journal, can you identify stages in the process where you experienced difficulties? Knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?”
A2. The Principles of Media Arts
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 demonstrate an understanding of one or more of the principles of media arts, and apply the principle(s) to transform an existing work from one of the contributing arts (e.g., use the principle of hybridization to transform a painting into a digital collage or an animation)
Teacher prompt: “How might you use one of the principles of media arts to enhance an aspect or change the meaning of the original work?”
A2.2 design and produce original media art works on a specific theme (e.g., an environmental issue) by combining one or more of the principles of media arts and a variety of elements from the contributing arts (e.g., design and produce an installation that uses the principles of duration and point of view and integrates the elements
of colour, space, pitch, and form in the style of Fabrizio Plessi)
Teacher prompt: “What elements from other arts disciplines could you use in your art work? What principles could you use to organize these elements? How might a change in one
of these principles change the meaning of your art work or the elements you use in it?”
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 explore a variety of traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and use them to produce effective media art works (e.g., use digital still and/or video cameras and
image-editing software; use available OSAPAC software; manipulate found sounds; experiment with light and 2D animation software to recreate the optical illusion created by a phenakistoscope; create a virtual flipbook on the Internet; use digital photography and printing techniques to create an actual flipbook for their portfolio)
Teacher prompts: “What types of tools are com- monly used in media arts? How might you successfully use some of these tools to create an art work?” “What did you learn from using this technique that will assist you with future projects?”
A3.2 use appropriate technologies, tools, and techniques to create and present media art works for a variety of audiences (e.g., use bright primary colours and simple images in an animation to be presented to young children; use a computer monitor as a point of access for a presentation on the Internet; use back projection on a stage for an art work with live performance elements)
Teacher prompts: “In what ways can the make-up of an audience affect your decisions about the techniques or technologies you use in your art work?” “What revisions would you make to your animation if its audience were senior citizens rather than elementary students?”
A3.3 communicate personal messages by creating and presenting media art works using a variety of approaches and techniques (e.g., create a collage of still images and sound conveying their perspective on an issue related to discrimination)
Teacher prompts: “What specific media arts techniques have you chosen to use to express your personal message? Why?” “Which approach do you think best conveys your message? Why?”
  A3. UsingTechnologies,Tools,and Techniques
Media Arts

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