Page 99 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 99

 Teacher prompt: “What percentage of teenagers do you think use MP3 players, portable gam- ing devices, and/or cellphones? How can these devices been used as tools for the creation of media art works?”
C3. Responsible Practices
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 identify and apply healthy, safe, and consci- entious work practices when performing tasks related to media arts production (e.g., use healthy practices such as stretching before move- ment activities; use safe practices when setting up lighting kits, using a tripod, or packing up equip- ment; use conscientious practices such as updating computer anti-virus programs)
Teacher prompts: “What steps should you use when setting up a photo shoot to ensure the safety of all participants?” “How can you protect the files on your home computer? Why is it important to do so?”
C3.2 describe some ethical and legal practices associated with media arts, particularly with respect to copyright laws, and apply these practices when creating media art works (e.g., seek permission to sample songs from musicians; use authorized sources for stock photography or other licensed materials; show respect for other cultures)
Teacher prompt: “Why is it important to seek formal permission from the copyright holder when using other people’s work?”
C3.3 identify and apply responsible environmental practices associated with the media arts work- place (e.g., dispose of chemicals and batteries in environmentally safe ways; use energy conservation practices; recycle used materials when possible)
Teacher prompt: “Are you working with any chemicals or other materials that could damage the environment? What practices could you adopt to minimize the environmental impact
of your work?”
C3.4 identify positive character traits associated with both independent and collaborative media arts production, and explain the importance of these traits (e.g., use a think-pair-share strategy to generate a list of positive traits, and create an animation to explain their importance; review entries in their work journal to determine the character traits that contributed to the success of their personal media arts project or their creative interactions with others)
C3.5 identify and appropriately apply conventions associated with the experiencing of media art works (e.g., follow protocols for visiting galleries, museums, theatres, or installations; show respect for the work of classmates; demonstrate proper audience etiquette during performance pieces)
Media Arts

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