Page 76 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 76

    HUMAN RESOURCES (teaching/non-teaching)
Include type of service, initiation date, frequency or intensity, and location
 Consultation/Teacher Support Resource Support
Personal Care Support
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
07/09/2004 20/09/2004
Minimum once per month
Min. 2 X month per modified course, resource room
20 min. per day, as required
   Teacher’s Assistant
Reporting Dates:
08/11/2004 07/02/2005
 Reporting Format
x Provincial Report Card (required unless student’s program comprises alternative expectations only) x Alternative Report
If the student is 14 years of age or older and is not identified solely as gifted, a transition plan is required (see page 6 ).
    IEP Developed by:
Staff Member
Ms. Numeracy Teacher Ms. Geography Teacher Ms. Health Teacher
Classroom Teacher Classroom Teacher Classroom Teacher
Staff Member
Mr. Music Teacher Mr. Special Teacher Ms. T. Assistant
Classroom Teacher Spec. Ed. Teacher Teacher’s Assistant
x Student
  Sources Consulted in the Development of the IEP
x IPRC Statement x Provincial of Decision (if applicable) Report Card
Other sources (list below)
Previous IEP x
    Date of Placement in Special Education Program (select the appropriate option)
 1) First day of attendance in new special education program
x 2) First day of the new school year or semester in which the student is continuing in a placement
  3) First day of the student’s enrolment in a special education program that he/she begins in mid-year or mid-semester as the result of a change of placement
Date of Placement:
Completion Date of IEP Development Phase
(within 30 school days following the Date of Placement):
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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