Page 65 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 65

   Special Education Program
To be completed for each subject/course with modified expectations and/or each alternative program with alternative expectations
  Student OEN/MIN:
Current Level of Achievement:
Prerequisite course (if applicable)
Letter grade/Mark
Curriculum grade level
Subject/Course/Alternative Program:
Current Level of Achievement for Alternative Program:
Student A’s decoding skills are at the early Grade 3 level and his comprehension skills are at the mid-Grade 3 level.
      Annual Program Goal(s): A goal statement describing what the student can reasonably be expected to accomplish by the end of the
school year in a particular subject, course, or alternative program.
Student A will demonstrate improvement in decoding skills to the late Grade 3 level and in comprehension skills to the mid-Grade 4 level.
 Teaching Strategies
(List only those that are particular to the student and specific to the learning expectations)
1. Select words from the [specify title] reading series and curriculum subject areas.
1. Select words from the [specify title] reading series and curriculum subject areas.
  Learning Expectations
(List modified/alternative expectations outlining knowledge and/or skills to be assessed, by reporting period. Identify grade level, where appropriate.)
Grade Level – Grades 3–4
Term 1 Student A will:
1. learn 75 new sight words;
2. complete reading passages at Level F of the
[specify title] series;
3. read and answer comprehension questions on
three passages from the mid-Grade 3 level;
4. maintain a reading log of texts read independently
and select one of those texts for retelling.
Term 2 Student A will:
1. learn 75 new sight words;
2. complete reading passages at Level H of the
[specify title] series;
3. read and answer comprehension questions on
three passages from the late Grade 3 level;
4. maintain a reading log of texts read independently
and recommend three selections for Grade 3–4 students.
Assessment Methods
(Identify the assessment method to be used for each learning expectation)
1. Oral activity 2. Checklist
3. Oral and written activity 4. Oral and written activity
1. Oral activity 2. Checklist
3. Oral and written activity 4. Oral and written activity
   Appendix B: Samples of Completed IEP Forms 63

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