Page 8 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 8

 Special Education Programs
educational programs that are based on and modified by the results of contin- uous assessment and evaluation and that include a plan containing specific objectives and an outline of educational services that meet the needs of the exceptional pupil.
Special Education Services
facilities and resources, including support personnel and equipment, neces- sary for developing and implementing a special education program.
  Overview of Special Education
The provision of special education programs and services in Ontario’s publicly funded elementary and secondary schools is mandated by the Education Act and the regulations made under it. This legislation and various Ministry of Education directives and policies set out the terminology, documentation, and process requirements that are used by school boards in the delivery of special education.
The children and youth who require special education programs and services are a diverse group. Some students with special education needs are formally identified by an Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC); others receive special education programs and services without being formally identi- fied. Special education programs and services are designed to enable students to develop knowledge and skills and demonstrate learning, and may include sup- ports that enable experiential learning such as cooperative education place- ments, school-to-work programs, and/or apprenticeship programs.
 (Source: Education Act R.S.O. 1990, Definitions s.1.)

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