Page 7 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 7

The Ministry of Education continues to encourage the use of approaches and strategies that lead to higher achievement for all students in Ontario’s publicly funded education system. This resource guide is intended to help parents,1 educators,2 and students with special education needs work together to prevent conflicts, resolve them quickly, and allow students to develop their full potential and succeed in school. The approaches outlined build on techniques and strate- gies for conflict prevention and resolution that are already in place in many school boards.
There are many ways of working through conflict, ranging from informal to formal methods. This resource guide focuses on informal conflict resolution, which is often the most effective approach and enhances the ability of students, parents, and educators to arrive at shared solutions.
This guide addresses conflicts affecting students with special education needs, but the strategies it discusses can be used to resolve conflicts for all students, as well as conflicts that arise in contexts outside the education system. The examples included, while based on real situations, use fictitious student names, and any resolution proposed is just one among several possible outcomes.
  1. Throughout this guide, the word parent is used to refer to both parent(s) and guardian(s).
2. Throughout this guide, the term educator refers to school personnel working within the school setting,
such as teachers and principals.

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