Page 10 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 10

   Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting to Parents
Consultation with Parents and Student
Development of IEP
 Implementation of IEP
 Shared Solutions | 2007
developed for students who are formally identified as exceptional and may be developed for students who are not formally identified as exceptional. Parents must be consulted in the development of the IEP.5 Experience has shown that educators and parents who work together in the development of the IEP share a common understanding that reduces potential future conflict.
The transition plan is another important component of a student’s special education program. It helps the student with special education needs make a successful transition from school to further education, work, and community living. The transition plan is a required part of the IEP for students fourteen years of age and older, unless the student is solely identified as gifted.6
Figure 1, below, represents the development and delivery of special education programs and services, including the IPRC process. Consultation with parents and students is important in all parts of the process.
     *IEPs can be developed for students with special education needs without an IPRC.
(Source: Adapted from VOICE for Hearing Impaired Children, The Individual Education Plan for Students
Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing – A Parent Guide, 2007.)
5. For more information, refer to Ontario Ministry of Education. The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide, 2004.
6. For more information, refer to Ontario Ministry of Education, Transition Planning: A Resource Guide, 2002. Transition plans for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are referenced in Policy/Program Memorandum No. 140, 2007.

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