Page 47 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 47

 consults with school board staff to determine the most appropriate program for students with special education needs;
ensures the development, implementation, and review of a student’s IEP, including a transition plan, according to provincial requirements;
ensures that parents are consulted in the development of their child’s IEP and that they are provided with a copy of the IEP;
ensures the delivery of the program as set out in the IEP;
ensures that appropriate assessments are requested and that, if necessary, appropriate consents are obtained.
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC):
makes recommendations to the board with respect to any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services within the board;
participates in the board’s annual review of its special education plan;
participates in the board’s annual budget process as it relates to special education;
reviews the financial statements of the board as they relate to special education;
provides information to parents, as requested.
The district school board or school authority:
establishes school board policy and practices that comply with the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda;
monitors school compliance with the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda;
requires staff to comply with the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda;
provides appropriately qualified staff to deliver programs and services for the students with special education needs in the board;
reports on the expenditures for special education;
develops and maintains a special education plan that is amended from time to time to meet the current strengths and needs of the students with special education needs in the board;
Appendix A

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