Page 46 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 46

 Shared Solutions | 2007
The teacher:
carries out duties as outlined in the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda;
follows board policies and procedures regarding special education;
works with the special education teacher to acquire and maintain up-to-date knowledge of special education practices;
where appropriate, develops the IEP with special education staff and parents for a student with special education needs;
provides the program for the student with special education needs in the regular class;
communicates the student’s progress to parents;
works with other school board staff to review and update the student’s IEP.
The special education teacher (in addition to the responsibilities listed above for teachers):
holds qualifications, in accordance with the regulations under the Education Act, to teach special education;
monitors the student’s progress with reference to the IEP and modifies the program as necessary;
assists in providing educational assessments for exceptional pupils.
The school principal:
carries out duties as outlined in the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda and board policies;
ensures that appropriately qualified staff are assigned to teach special education classes;
communicates ministry and board policies and procedures about special education to staff, students, and parents;
ensures that the identification and placement of exceptional pupils, through an IPRC, is done according to the procedures outlined in the Education Act, regulations, and board policies;

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