Page 48 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 48

 Shared Solutions | 2007
 reviews the plan annually and submits amendments to the Minister of Education;
provides statistical reports to the ministry as required;
prepares a parent guide to provide parents with information about special education programs, services, and procedures;
establishes one or more IPRCs to identify students with special education needs and determine appropriate placements for them;
establishes a Special Education Advisory Committee;
provides professional development to staff on special education.
The Ministry of Education:
sets out, through the Education Act, regulations, and policy documents, including policy/program memoranda, the legal obligations of school boards regarding the provision of special education programs and services;
prescribes the categories and definitions of exceptionality;
requires school boards to provide appropriate special education programs and services for their students with special education needs;
establishes the funding for special education through the structure of the funding model;
requires school boards to report on their expenditures for special education; sets province-wide standards for curriculum and for reporting achievement;
requires school boards to maintain special education plans, review them annually, and submit amendments to the ministry;
requires school boards to establish Special Education Advisory Committees;
establishes the Ontario Special Education (English and French)Tribunals to hear disputes between parents and school boards regarding the identification and placement of exceptional pupils;
establishes a Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education to advise the Minister of Education on matters related to special education programs and services;
establishes a Provincial Parent Association Advisory Committee on Special Education Advisory Committees;
operates Provincial and Demonstration Schools for students who are deaf, blind, or deaf-blind, or who have severe learning disabilities.

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