Page 37 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 37

 Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflicts
 Steps in Problem Solving
Define the issue.
Clarify the purpose of the conversation. Determine how others define the issue initially. Discuss any opposing views.
Agree on a shared definition of the problem.
Share information and ideas.
Identify assumptions and related information/data upon which each party’s understanding is based. Test assumptions if necessary.
Identify different points of view and clarify the thinking behind them. Highlight new ideas and information that may affect the outcome.
Generate and explore possible solutions.
Be realistic: identify the implications of each solution. Ensure that all parties understand the implications.
Predict consequences.
Envisage the likely consequences of each solution. Eliminate the least workable solutions.
Rank the final few.
Choose a solution and develop a plan for action, including performance measures.
Identify the most likely outcome(s) of the decision. Set a timeline to give the solution a fair chance. Record who is doing what.
Set a date for the follow-up evaluation.
Do a follow-up evaluation.
Evaluate outcomes and explore learning: (1) Is the proposed solution working? (2) Are any changes needed?
If problems are identified, have another brainstorming session and consider another possible solution.
(Source: Adapted from Learning Disabilities Association of London and Area, Problem Solving Approach, pamphlet, undated.)

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