Page 38 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 38

 Jovan’s Story: Problem Solving
Jovan is a Grade 9 student with behavioural challenges. Jovan’s IEP had been quite successful in helping him meet these challenges in the past, but his English teacher noticed that he was becoming increasingly withdrawn from other students and was showing signs of anxiety. When approached about the problem by his English teacher, Jovan insisted that nothing was wrong. The teacher was not reassured. She approached the special education teacher, the principal, and the parents to discuss her concerns. Jovan’s parents had also noticed that Jovan was withdrawing from daily activities and people. They had tried to talk to him, but he was unresponsive.
Context, and actions taken:
The student was included in all discussions but remained uncommunicative.
The teacher made several phone calls to Jovan’s parents before reaching his father.
The parents’ work schedules meant that they could not be available during school hours for a meeting.
The teacher and principal agreed to meet the parents and Jovan outside regular school hours.
The teacher encouraged Jovan to invite to the meeting someone he trusted who would support him and act as his advocate, if necessary.
Strategies used to resolve the conflict:
The student is actively involved in the problem-solving process and is encouraged to invite someone to advocate on his behalf.
Teachers contact the parents to discuss their concerns about the student’s behav- iour.
The principal and teachers explore options for arranging a meeting with the parents.
Educators and the parents have an open dialogue about their concerns and possible solutions.
The parents expressed appreciation for the educators’ support and openly shared their concerns.
The principal offered to provide a list of community agencies that give free coun- selling support to youth and families who are experiencing similar types of difficulty.
School personnel and the parents agreed upon a four-week plan of action to address Jovan’s special education needs, including timelines for feedback on progress.
The parents made contact with a commu- nity service provider who could accommo- date their work schedules.
All parties agree to work closely together to address the student’s special education needs.
All parties discuss and explain the assump- tions or beliefs that define the problem for them.
A communication schedule is developed that accommodates the parents’ work schedules.
A follow-up meeting is arranged to review the student’s progress.
 Shared Solutions | 2007

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