Page 24 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 24

 Shared Solutions | 2007
Before a meeting, it’s important for the people conducting the meeting to make sure that:
✓ the appropriate people will be in attendance, ensuring a balanced representa- tion among parties (e.g., parents; educators; the student, if appropriate; a parent advocate; a community service agency representative; an interpreter for English language learners);
✓ necessary accommodations (e.g., the provision of sign-language interpreters) are made for parents (and/or the student) attending the meeting;
✓ all the participants understand the IEP process and have a copy of the plan well before the meeting, if it is to be discussed;
✓ specific concerns and questions that can be addressed prior to the meeting have been dealt with;
✓ the purpose of the meeting has been established and/or an agenda has been prepared and agreed upon, in consultation with all participants;
✓ everyone involved knows the purpose of the meeting and has all the informa- tion necessary to engage in informed discussion;
✓ adequate advance notice of the meeting has been given;
✓ the location and meeting time are acceptable to everyone;
✓ a realistic amount of time has been set aside for the meeting;
✓ adequate seating is provided, and chairs are arranged so that people are facing each other;
✓ any necessary materials (e.g., reports) have been gathered;
✓ if notes are required, a note-taker has been identified and agreed upon in
During a meeting, the people conducting the meeting should:
✓ ensure that all parties remember that the student’s interests come first;
✓ ensure that all participants are introduced and have an opportunity to state how they see the issue;
✓ listen attentively and with an open mind to others’ views;
✓ avoid drawing premature conclusions about others’ views and/or about potential solutions;

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