Page 26 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 26

 Paul’s Story: An Example of Prevention in Action
Paul is a Grade 4 student recently diagnosed with a learning disability. An IEP with modified expectations was developed that took into consideration Paul’s current level of reading competence. However, Paul was not doing his homework, and his teacher and parents became concerned. The principal organized a meeting with Paul, his parents, and the teacher to discuss the problem.
Context, and actions taken:
The school had well-established procedures in place for assessing students who were struggling with the curriculum and for consulting parents about the development of the IEP.
The principal and teachers maintained reg- ular ongoing communication with the par- ents.
School personnel had been proactive in providing additional resources for Paul.
The meeting identified a need to provide assistive technology for Paul and addi- tional support at home as well.
The meeting also identified a need for improved communication among the parties involved.
Strategies used to prevent conflict:
The student is included in discussions.
The principal arranges a meeting with par- ents and relevant school personnel.
Participants define the problem or concern.
All parties discuss and explain the assump- tions or beliefs that define the problem
for them.
Possible solutions are explored, with input from all parties.
A “daily communications book” was pro- vided outlining specific expectations for Paul to meet.
The parents and Paul agreed to use the book to record completed work and give reasons for incomplete assignments.
The school and parents developed positive reinforcement strategies to reward Paul for using the communications book and the new assistive technology.
A follow-up meeting to review progress was scheduled for a month later.
A plan is agreed on that identifies the roles and responsibilities of all parties in imple- menting the solution, with a time frame for carrying out the various steps.
A follow-up meeting is arranged to review progress.
 Shared Solutions | 2007

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