Page 23 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 23

 While both educators and parents are seeking solutions to address complex problems, it is important for all parties to balance strong advocacy of their own views with a commitment to inquiry – a willingness to ask and respond to ques- tions to clarify all parties’ understanding of the issues and positions under dis- cussion. Inquiry and exploration enable participants to discover or disclose their own and others’ reasoning and assumptions and enhance each party’s aware- ness and appreciation of other points of view. The use of an inquiry approach allows participants to avoid over-commitment to unrealistic positions, to build on one another’s insights, and to work together to arrive at a shared solution.
Preventing Conflicts
 A positive school climate is based on and strengthened by effective communication.
Effective communication provides a foundation for preventing and resolving conflicts in a friendly, informal way.
See Appendix B for a list of tips and key questions that can serve as a quick reminder of the elements that can be used to arrive at a shared solution. A tear- out sheet containing this information is provided at the end of this guide.
Conflict Prevention Strategies
Maintaining a positive school climate and keeping the lines of communication open can help to create an environment in which concerns can be resolved without conflict or with minimal conflict. In addition, as discussed in Chapter 3, educators can be alert for warning signs and take steps to deal with possible triggers for conflict at an early stage. Scheduling a face-to-face meeting to dis- cuss an issue can often be constructive. The strategies listed on pages 22–23 can be used before, during, and after such a meeting to help participants work towards mutually acceptable solutions and avoid conflict.

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