Page 22 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 22

 Shared Solutions | 2007
When all parties acknowledge and respect their potentially different perspec- tives, it is possible to arrive at a shared solution, including an enhanced positive school climate and better relationships.
Boards and schools can promote effective communication between parents and educators by:
ensuring that both parents and school staff receive common messaging about special education programs and services;
providing training and professional development to help educators strengthen their communication skills – including both their ability to present informa- tion clearly, tactfully, and with empathy, and their ability to interpret others’ messages and behaviours accurately and with insight and to understand how the other party is feeling;
providing a school board communication guide, developed in consultation with the board’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), to help par- ents know whom to talk to and when they should do so.
Keeping the lines of communication open means that parents and teachers do not hesitate to contact one another about a student’s progress whenever it seems advisable to do so. When people have a comfortable relationship, they are more willing to ask questions, offer opinions, and discuss options in an open and honest way, making it easier to avoid potential problems and to resolve difficul- ties promptly when they arise.
Educators can check regularly for possible parent or student concerns or confu- sion by asking questions, and can clarify information if it appears that a com- munication breakdown has occurred.
Disagreements may arise and strong emotions may surface when people discuss complex issues such as programs and services for students with special educa- tion needs. Knowing how to prevent conflicts from escalating and/or resolve them cooperatively helps maintain a climate where all students thrive. Where the parties already have a good relationship, they can air their concerns in a constructive way, exploring options and seeking creative, student-focused solu- tions to problems.

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