Page 20 - Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs 2007
P. 20

 Shared Solutions | 2007
✓ Parents are involved in school activities.
✓ Everyone feels safe and secure.
✓ There is a strong focus on prevention and early intervention in conflicts.
✓ Everyone is invited to contribute ideas and offer feedback.
✓ The successes of both students and staff are celebrated.
✓ Learning disruptions are minimized.
✓ Cross-cultural communication is valued.
✓ Educators have received training on antiracism and ethno-cultural equity and on avoiding ableism,11 sexism, and homophobia.
✓ All students are challenged through high expectations to do their best.
✓ Students are encouraged to show leadership in creating a positive
school climate.
✓ School administrators know who students are.
✓ School spirit is strong among both staff and students.
✓ School statistics show high levels of achievement and student growth over time.
Students, parents, and educators can all contribute to maintaining a positive school climate.
What Students Can Do: Students can contribute to a positive school climate by working hard, by demonstrating respect for all members of the school commu- nity, and by willingly participating in school events such as peer mentorship/ leadership, circle of friends, student councils, and other extracurricular activities.
What Parents Can Do: Parents can contribute to a positive school climate by becoming involved in their child’s education and the life of the school. This might include volunteering, as well as attending school functions and parent- teacher meetings. By demonstrating an interest in their child’s school, parents send the message that they value education, thereby encouraging their own and other children to do so as well.12
11. For more information on ableism, see Thomas Hehir, New Directions in Special Education: Eliminating Ableism in Policy and Practice, 2005.
12. For more information on inclusion of parents in the Ontario school system, see Ontario Ministry of Education, “Parental Involvement: A Checklist”, 2006.

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