Page 7 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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The IPRC Review D16 Request for a Review / Dispensing with the Annual Review D16 Timelines for the IPRC Review D16 Attendance at the IPRC Review D16 The IPRC Review Decision D17 After the IPRC Review Decision D17
The IPRC Appeal D19 Filing a Notice of Appeal D19 Appeal Timeline D19 The School Board Response to Receiving a Notice of Appeal D20 Selection of Appeal Board Members D20 Before the Meeting of the Appeal Board D21 The Appeal Board Meeting D22 After the Appeal Board Meeting D25 After the Appeal Board Decision D26
Special Education Tribunals D32 Appendix D-1: A Sample Parents’ Guide to Special Education D34
Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) E1 Introduction E1 Standards for the IEP E2
Compliance with the Standards E2 Requirements under Ontario Regulation 181/98 and
Policy/Program Memoranda Nos. 140 and 156 E2 What Is an IEP? E6 The IEP Process E7 Components of the IEP Standards and Effective Practices E10
1. ReasonforDevelopinganIEP E11 2. IEPStudentProfile E12 3. TheStudent’sStrengthsandNeeds E15 4. TheSpecialEducationProgram E19
4.1 The Student’s Current (Baseline) Level of Achievement E20 4.2 The Student’s Annual Program Goals E24 4.3 The Student’s Learning Expectations E27

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