Page 8 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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5. Special Education Strategies, Resources, and
Other Accommodations E36 5.1 Individualized Teaching Strategies and Other Accommodations E36 5.2 Human Resources E40 5.3 Individualized Equipment E42
6. Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting E42 6.1 Assessment of Student Learning E42 6.2 Evaluation and Reporting of Student Achievement E43
7. Provincial Assessments E44 7.1 Accommodations for Participation in Provincial Assessments E44 7.2 Exemptions from Provincial Assessments E45
8. Transition Plans E46
9. Parent/Student Consultation E50
10. Staff Involvement in Developing the IEP E53
11. Information Sources E56
12. Date of Completion of the IEP E58
13. Implementation and Monitoring E59
14. Review and Updating E61
Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding IEPs E63 Appendix E-1: Standards for Individual Education Plans (IEPs) E64 Appendix E-2: A Sample IEP Template E66 Appendix E-3: An IEP Checklist E73 Appendix E-4: Roles of Educators and Other Professionals in the Development and Implementation of the IEP E74

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