Page 54 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 54

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12
Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that all of the above information is included and that the board’s procedures are consistent with ministry policy on the IEP.
Provincial and Demonstration Schools in Ontario
Purpose of the Standard
To provide the public with information about the Provincial and Demonstration Schools that are operated for students who are Deaf, blind, or deafblind, or who have severe learning disabilities, which may include attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Requirements of the Standard
The school board’s special education plan must include the following:
• information on programs and services offered by Provincial and Demonstration Schools that is provided by the ministry in the Provincial Schools and Demonstration Schools section in Part F of this guide
• current statistics, by program, on the number of students who are qualified to be resident students in the board who are currently attending Provincial and Demonstration Schools
• information about how transportation is provided for students to and from the Provincial or Demonstration School, including transportation of an assistant, if necessary
Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that it includes the information listed above.

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