Page 55 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 55

Draft Part B: Standards for School Boards’ Special Education Plans Special Education Staff
Purpose of the Standard
To provide specific details on board staff to the ministry and to the public
Requirements of the Standard
The school board’s special education plan must include information on the types of staff who provide special education programs and services. The board must complete and include the form in Appendix B-2, outlining the range of programs and services offered and the qualifications required for the categories of staff listed on the form.
Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that it includes the information noted above and that staff providing the programs and services have the appropriate qualifications.
Staff Development
Purpose of the Standard
To provide details of the board’s professional development plans for special education staff to the ministry and to the public
Requirements of the Standard
The board must outline its plans for the professional development of its special education personnel. The special education plan must describe the following:
• the overall goal of the special education staff development plan
• ways in which staff provide input for the plan
• ways in which the school board’s SEAC is consulted about staff
• methods of determining priorities in the area of staff development
• courses, in-service training, and other types of professional development
activities offered by the board

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