Page 53 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 53

Draft Part B: Standards for School Boards’ Special Education Plans
  • outline specific information about each type of placement provided at the elementary and secondary levels;
• list for each category of exceptionality the range of placement options available, along with the criteria for admission, the admission process, and the criteria for determining the level of support provided in each placement, including the board’s criteria for assigning intensive support for students who are in need of a great deal of assistance;
• state the maximum class size for each type of special education class;
• list the criteria used for determining the need to change a student’s
• describe the alternatives that are provided when the needs of a student
cannot be met within the board’s range of placements and the ways in which the options are communicated to parents.
Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that the above information is provided and that the content is consistent with ministry policy and the appropriate legislation, including Regulation 181/98.
Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
Purpose of the Standard
To inform the ministry and the public about the ways in which the board is complying with ministry requirements for implementing IEPs
Requirements of the Standard
The school board’s special education plan must describe the following:
• the board’s plan for implementing the ministry’s standards for IEPs (see Part E of this guide for more information on the IEP)
• any processes for dispute resolution where parents and board staff disagree on significant aspects of the IEP
• the board’s results of the ministry’s review for the previous year, along with the board’s plans for a response to these results (when available)
The school board must include a copy of its IEP form (see Appendix E-2 in Part E of this guide for a sample IEP template) in the plan.

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